TNM TweakCirc SE 3a (07/27/20)


Installation instructions:
Please unzip the downloaded ZIP file to the NEWPLUGS folder which is right inside your TNM 7 SE folder. Then start up TNM to install the plugin.

Now FREE: Circuit plugin exclusively for TNM 7 Second Edition which gives you full control over your circuits

When was the last time you wished you had more control over what goes on in your circuits ?

Ever wished you could just go and delete any card of your choice ?

Ever had an injury screw up an important angle in your circuit ?

Is there a title sitting somewhere in your circuit which you wish you could just rename - not only from this point forward but backwards in time so the title history keeps showing up ?

Ever wanted to push a certain wrestler but the fans didn't react to him ?

Ever wished you could take any wrestler and modify his contractual status to your liking ?

How about a feature where you can quickly and efficiently set everybody's push to a certain value in your circuit ?

And how about a feature which lets you trigger flags which are usually well-hidden and not accessible ?

Want to rename your circuit ? Well, here you go !

This and so much more is available in TNM TweakCirc Second Edition. For all the details, please refer to the TweakCirc SE section of the TNM 7 SE Manual.

Last updated: August 9, 2020