TNM 7 Wrestler Comparison Wizard 1.3

(C) Oliver Copp

Installation instructions:
Please unzip the downloaded ZIP file to the NEWPLUGS folder which is right inside your TNM 7 SE folder. Then start up TNM to install the plugin.

The Wrestler Comparison Wizard lets you quickly compare wrestlers from up to three sources which can be export files or your internal TNM wrestler database.

Find out in seconds how your wrestler differs from the export files you have downloaded and make an informed decision whether you want to update without going through the hassle of having to rename your existing wrestler, import the new one and then going back and forth, comparing everything about them.

There is no easy way to say this: Most TNM users are really protective of their wrestler databases. In many cases, they have nurtured each wrestler record for years or even decades.

They think twice about importing new versions of the wrestlers they already have because by the time they realize the new version isn't to their liking, their version will have already been overwritten.

So users created a workaround: They renamed their current version of the wrestler, imported the one from the export file, grabbed pen and paper and wrote down the important things about each version of the wrestler.

This ends now. With the Wrestler Comparison Wizard, you can easily select up to three wrestlers from your internal database or export files and see how they differ.

This plugin will save you tons of headaches, and it is long overdue.

Last updated: August 9, 2020