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Resending TNM Registration Codes

It is in your best interest to keep your codes somewhere safe, preferrably both digitally and in print so that if your dog eats the piece of paper, you'll still have your codes in digital format OR if your hard disk crashes, you can still look them up on a piece of paper.

That said, what if it's already too late and you have no more way to access your registration codes ?

Please keep in mind that our foremost goal is to protect the integrity and security of your registration codes. Therefore we won't resend any codes unless we can verify that you are their rightful owner.

Three are two ways of getting them back. If you can supply us with the necessary data for one of them, great - your codes will be resent ASAP.

If not, we won't be able to resend your registration codes.

So, here we go.

  1. You still have the same e-mail address that is in our database.
  2. You have a new e-mail address but can provide the e-mail address you are in our database with and either your registration password (upper-case word) or your website password (lower-case word).
    Current e-mail:
    Old e-mail:
    Registration Password:
    Website Password:
Incomplete submissions unfortunately can't be processed.

· TNM 7 SE Build 8
  (For Windows 7/8/10)
· TNM 7 SE Build 6
  (Virtual Machines/
  Windows XP)
· Wrestler Export Files
···································· Plugins:
· Personality Wizard
· Circuit Editor SE
· Circuit History
· Crowd Chant Editor
· Database Cleaner
· Interview Integrator
· Ratings Editor
· Special Move Wizard
· Theme Music Wizard
· TweakCirc SE 3
· Vis. Image Wizard
· Weight Class Wizard
  ·································· · All Above Plugins

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